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Q: Why did Christopher Nolan choose to use the term “sheets” instead of “radioactive sheets”?

Max PowerDuring strong winds, Kitty went outside to collect clothes from the line. She encountered her husband Robert, suitcase in hand, who was about to leave for the Trinity test base camp to test an atomic bomb in a few hours: Kitty: It's happening, isn't it? Robert: I'll send a message. If it's gone ...

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@steelersquirrel thanks, now I can peacefully skip it
4 hours later…
Q: What Happens to the Blue Space at the End of Death's End?

Vignesh KumarI’ve recently finished reading Death's End, the third book in the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy, and I’ve been thinking about the fate of the Blue Space. The ship plays a significant role in the exploration of 4-dimensional space and is a key part of humanity's efforts to navigate the cosmo...

4 hours later…
Q: Help with movie title?

Thomas JonesThere was a scene from a movie where a vampire (I think) was in a jail cell next to his friend and squeezed into the vent between the two cells. As he was getting closer to his friend he was taunting him as he crawled. What was this movie?

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