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9 hours later…
Q: Documentary that I think I saw in the late 90s about long runout landslides

AshIn what I want to say was the late 1990s I saw a documentary in New Zealand on the peculiar phenomenon of "long runout" landslides, which as I recall are slides that travel several times further across the landscape than expected given the height from which they slip. I distinctly remember there ...

3 hours later…
Q: Localize film and scene where appears a expandible triple knife

CarlosI am looking for a movie in which a special dagger appears. In the scene the villain shows the protagonist a collection of weapons and elements of torture, with special emphasis on this dagger. It is a kind of dagger that is placed in the hand, with a mechanism that when operated causes the blade...

6 hours later…
Q: Where did Gomez Addams get his last name?

PsychonautWhen the magazine comic The Addams Family was adapted for television in the 1960s, the characters were finally given first names and some fleshed-out backgrounds. The head of the family became Gomez Addams, and was depicted as a Latin lover type of Castillian ancestry. This Hispanic background ...

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