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3:01 AM
Q: Are there any other shows/mythologies/religions where zombies also like spicy food?

user182601Usually in most zombie shows, zombies just like eating humans and human brains. In iZombie, zombies also like spicy food and hot sauce. Is this from somewhere else or just an invention by this show? Are there any other shows/mythologies/religions where zombies also like spicy food?

3 hours later…
5 hours later…
11:37 AM
Q: Did commoners call their masters m'Lord in the past?

Etack SxchangeIn Game of Thrones S02E07 when Arya Stark calls Tywin Lannister my Lord, he corrects her: Tywin Lannister: Girl, m'Lord. Low-born girls say m'Lord, not my Lord. If you're going to pose as a commoner, you should do it properly. I have searched the internet but found nothing supporting this.

4 hours later…
3:44 PM
Q: Bringing back identification questions

Napoleon WilsonAs you might know, the topic of identification questions has been a rather controversial one over the site's entire history. About 6.5 years ago, the site decided to ban these questions as off-topic. However, as time went by users have grown concerned that this might have been a wrong decision. T...

3 hours later…
6:54 PM
Q: Did Davy Jones and Salazar know of each other?

Ruan ErasmusHey guys so I went ahead and watched a pirates of the Caribbean marathon again. I’m curious if its explained anywhere if captain Salazar and Davy Jones knew each other? Did they even have a war against each other or ever struck a deal or had any connection? Thanks in advance.

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