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Q: What is this black square on this crime scene photo in Longlegs?

Yu Zhang In the movie, Longlegs, when FBI agent Lee is investigating the serial killer called Longlegs; she browses through a number of photos taken from the crime scene, including this one photo with a black square to its middle left. Was it caused by incorrect exposure during film developing? What purp...

3 hours later…
Q: What did the family hide from young Sheldon?

Miss_UnderstandsI like Young Sheldon, especially Paige. In this scene from TBBT, Georgie comes back and visits Sheldon. Apparently Sheldon did something horrible to the family, and apparently something else horrible happened and they didn't tell Sheldon. What's going on in this sc...

9 hours later…
Q: Ocean eleven ,How Danny get to the ventilation shaft before he meet Linus at elevator?

SauronBoyIn ocean eleven,in the heist scene we see Linus pretending to be gaming comission member,he trick Benedict and he go to the elevator to put explosives in vault,then in elevator we see that Danny was in ventilation shaft waiting for Linus.My question is,how he went in there? We see that they neded...

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