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Q: What was the submarine in the film "Ice Station Zebra" (1968)

Anthony XMuch of the movie "Ice Station Zebra" takes place aboard or nearby a fictional US nuclear submarine named USS Tigerfish and bearing the hull number 509. Exterior shots of the ship resemble USS Nautilus (SSN-571), but the interiors seem to be largely fictionalized. Was Tigerfish supposed to be a f...

5 hours later…
Q: Why bystanders stretch their arms trying to reach Queen Helaena?

Yu ZhangHouse of the dragon, season 2 ep 2, during the royal furneal, when the cart on which Queen Helaena sits on is temporarily stuck on a stone, we could see lots of bystanders stretch their arms trying to reach Queen Helaena, who looks visibly upset by their approaching. What do they want to do? Are...

1 hour later…
Q: Why did Tess dress in such a way to visit Letty?

Jack CollinsIn Fast X (2023), Letty pays a visit to Tess at an undisclosed location in costly costumes, and Tess reacts to them: Tess: Fancy coat. Expensive earrings. Tess directs her attention to the spiky footwear that Letty is wearing and reacts to it: Tess: Those got to hurt. You really brought out th...

4 hours later…

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