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Q: Can we modify the identification question meta post to reflect our ongoing policy discussion?

galacticninjaAs you may already know, we currently have a featured meta discussion post asking, "What does the community want to do with identification questions?" Right now, when we close ID questions, users are directed to the post "We are discontinuing support for identification questions". Given our ongoi...

2 hours later…
Q: Could Jordan have saved his company and avoided arrest if he hadn’t made that mistake?

Max PowerJordan goes to work wearing a wire, but manages to slip Donnie a note warning him. However, Jordan makes a foolish mistake by not discarding the slip, leading the FBI to find out. This results in Jordan’s arrest and the raid and shutdown of Stratton Oakmont: Could Jordan have saved his company a...

10 hours later…
Q: Finding the LOTR scene where Gandalf climbs stone wall to find other mage

hitchhikerI am looking for a specific "Lord of the Rings" scene, but fail to find it so far. I do not know in which of the movies it was shown. Gandalf is ascending a steep path on an almost vertical wall on some grey-cloured mountains. It's misty, but day-time, iirc. In the end, it involves a mostly broke...

Q: Why does the The Terminator have its CPU set to read-write in 1984?

StuperUserIn The Terminator, the T-800 arrives in 1984 and acquires a disguise from some punks. During the altercation is told to "go away" with specific language. Later on, at its HQ he tells the landlord to "go away" with the same language. The POV shot shows this option at the bottom of the list, impl...

1 hour later…

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