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Q: What actor has portrayed the American president the most number of times?

Jason P SallingerWhich actor has acted as president of the USA in the most distinct number of appearances?

2 hours later…
Q: How does this plot work in The Boys Season 4 Ep 4 between the A train and Ashley?

Yu ZhangI am pretty confused by what happened between Ashley and A train during a scene where A train steals compound V from the homelander private residence. What the scene is all about: A train steals compound V from the homelander private residence and Ashley shows up there too and witnesses A train'...

2 hours later…
@User1865345 you mean Teen Titans go , as Teen Titans was nice
3 hours later…
@AnkitSharma exactly 😭
Teen Titans Go. Tbf, I am not antagonistic to the light hearted show. But it just sometimes becomes too annoying.
@User1865345 especially when it takes over an changes the whole channel into similar stuff. Even Ben 10 same happened.
Occasionally I would say I would love the Teen Titans Go which are devoid of any plot and are just the writers going crazy. But repeated regurgitation can't be tolerated.
@AnkitSharma Ben 10. Another one.
Genuinely who even watches Cartoon Network anymore?
Good things don't last, I guess. Samurai Jack is one I can remember vividly.
@User1865345 I hope you are aware of Smurai Jack came back with last season and ended the story
@AnkitSharma yes. Unfortunately I couldn't watch it. But still enjoy those Adult Swim short videos of the first season.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@MovieReel I didn't finish the episode yet
Q: Can I ask whether films have been produced about a certain period in history?

einpoklumI want to figure out if any films have been produced regarding the Mongol conquest of the Abbasid caliphate, and specifically the sacking of Baghdad by Hulegu Khan in 1258. I read the guideline for on- and off-topic questions as part of the tour, but it was not entirely clear to me whether this w...

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