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Q: Movie about a mother (principal) and daughter (cheerleader) who meet a father and son, and offer father a job at the school

Wayne BarronI am trying to find this movie. I believe I saw the Trailer on Amazon Prime or NETFLIX, but I cannot find it now. The movie is about a mother who works at a school (Possibly the principal), and her daughter is a cheerleader. (I believe the daughter is also trying out or has a part in a school pla...

1 hour later…
6 hours later…
Q: Anatomy of Fall - toxic foreigners

troyanIn the French film Anatomy of Fall, one thing that struck me is that the main character was made not French - she is German and speaks English most of the time. She also seems to be extremely toxic personality. My question: are Germans and English speaking people in life more toxic than the Frenc...

3 hours later…
5 hours later…
Q: In Hallmark movies, why do minorities end up staying in the city while White people end up moving to a small rural town?

user57467I have watched many romantic Hallmark movies over the years during the holiday season and I have noticed that in the vast majority of these movies, when the central character in the story is a minority, the movie begins with him/her living in the big city, and at the end of the movie, he/she rema...

Q: What kind of white liquid is in the jar?

Rajesh PrajapatiFrom Servant S02E01: Timestamp : 06:55 Julian : You see this ? This could put us away for 20 years. What is inside that jar ? How could that liquid put them away for 20 years ? What's going on in this scene ? Let me know if screenshot of the scene is required.

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