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Q: Why Movies Stack Exchange Has Low Activity on Films Like 'Barbie' and 'Oppenheimer'?

Iman MohammadiI've been observing the Movies Stack Exchange site and noticed a relatively low level of activity, particularly in terms of the number of new questions posted daily. On average, there seem to be only about 5 or 6 new questions each day. Moreover, I've observed a lack of questions on certain popul...

7 hours later…
Q: Why Movies Stack Exchange Has Low Activity on Films Like 'Barbie' and 'Oppenheimer'?

Iman MohammadiI've been observing the Movies Stack Exchange site and noticed a relatively low level of activity, particularly in terms of the number of new questions posted daily. On average, there seem to be only about 5 or 6 new questions each day. Moreover, I've observed a lack of questions on certain popul...

1 hour later…
Q: Why doesn't the CIA contact in "Taken" (2008) whom Liam Neeson asked for help know Albanian?

uhse8bhhLiam Neeson's CIA contact knows from hearing the kidnappers' voices exactly which village in Albania they're from. But apparently he doesn't know Albanian, because Neeson has to hire a translator in Paris to translate what the kidnappers said. How could the CIA agent know Albanian so well that ...

1 hour later…
Q: What does Pookie mean in "New Jack City" (1991) when he says "People change, they lose interest."

uhse8bhhAt 2:45 of this G-Money asks Pooke if he can "program Pascal." Pookie responds, "Can a white man dance? Well, I guess not. But people change, they lose interest." What does "people change, they lose interest" mean in the context of the movie? It makes zero s...

5 hours later…
@User1865345 yeah
Even when it's bit heavy to watch , some scenes can be triggering but Direction and acting for me seems on point
@AnkitSharma that's great.
7 hours later…
Q: What CG city backdrop was used in The CW's Flash?

Fahad BalochI need to know what type of CG city backdrop was used in CW's The Flash.

2 hours later…
Q: Sorcery vs witchcraft

EthanI'm referring specifically to their definitions in the marvel universe, and more specifically, in Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness. When speculating over the origin and nature of the demon that attacked them and tried to abduct the girl, after noticing the runes(symbols) on the creatures skin, ...

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