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Q: What's the significance of the bite marks on the victim's hands in "Reptile"?

galacticninjaIn Reptile (2023 film), Detective Tom Nichols (Benicio del Toro), who is investigating the murder of a real estate agent named Summer (Matilda Lutz), discovers that Summer has human bite marks on her hands. This causes Tom to investigate further. He takes a dental impression of the main suspect, ...

5 hours later…
@user726941 Did you just decide to drop off the face of the earth after your Raiders lost? lol
My Steelers got hammered yesterday :(
...and the football world is more focused on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift than football <eye roll>
they deserve each other
I'm sure that we'll be hearing a song about what an asshole he is in about 6 months after they break up. lol
8 hours later…
Q: Why didn't Thorwald close his windows while carrying the body parts that night

KoalalalaWhy didn't thorwald simply close his windows when he was scared if someone gonna watch him

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