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Q: Why was there so much nudity in the movie Bully?

user552267Why was Nick Stahl's character naked and why was his dad looking at him in the bathroom? How did it even serve the story? What is the point of showing all the sex scenes and pubic hair? Was his dad supposed to be a portrayed as a sexual deviant?

1 hour later…
Q: Can the ending of "The Seventh Day" be interpreted differently?

GustavsonI've read on the Internet that the ending of "The Seventh Day" is to be interpreted as Father Daniel taking on the mission to discover other alleged exorcists who, instead of serving God, are possessed by the devil. This would be consistent with his final conversation with the archbishop. However...

Q: Who called Chandler about the Yellow Dragons?

king of panesIn the film the Golden Child, Chandler Jarrell is searching for a missing teenage girl who is found murdered. Some point after this, somebody calls Chandler late at night to tell him the caller had seen the girl held captive by the Yellow Dragon biker gang before she died- however in all my viewi...

Q: Why are lifetime movies so entertaining?

user552267There’s something about Lifetime movies that draws people in and keeps them watching for hours. Is it the heightened drama? The unexpected twists and turns? Or maybe it’s the blend of relatable emotions with over-the-top scenarios that make these movies so addictive. From tales of forbidden love ...

4 hours later…
Q: Identify voice of the character “Finger” in The Fifth Element?

AlexJVI don't have enough "recognition" to comment on the question already asked; however, I think the voice of "Finger" sounds like Clancy Brown.

17 hours later…
Q: Looking for the title of a movie

GustavsonI remember I once asked for the title of a movie, providing a thorough description of a scene I remembered seeing as a child, and was told that such questions were not allowed. Is the prohibition still in force? If so, could someone explain to me what's wrong with looking for help here with one s...

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