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12 hours later…
Q: Why did characters react so weirdly to this utterance?

O. R. MapperAt one point in Squid Game's 2nd season, player 001 asks Gi-hun about his surname. Gi-hun responds that his surname is "Seong", which appears to be a homophone for the Korean word for "surname" (explained in the subtitles of various languages). Player 001 points out this coincidence and finds it ...

3 hours later…
Q: Therapist/Psychologist/Psychiatrist w/ Repressed Memory

Adrian R. SalgadoI'm trying to recall a movie that I believe was a TV movie. It revolves around a male therapist (or psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.) who gets involved with an investigator (I think), possibly working on a case that requires his insights. As the plot unfolds, the therapist begins to grapple with ...

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