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Q: How can the Director of National Intelligence be unaware of IMF?

Shane TysonA classified individual, holding the key to an entity bent on world domination, becomes the center of attention. Delinger, the Director of National Intelligence, is taken aback when Kittridge informs him about this person, who is associated with their covert branch, the Impossible Mission Force (...

9 hours later…
Q: How was the scene with dying Argos filmed?

Rodrigo de AzevedoIn Homer's Odyssey, after 20 years away, Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca and encounters his faithful dog Argos. Upon meeting his master, Argos dies. In The Return (2024), this scene is quite moving: I am wondering how this scene was filmed. My (admittedly uninfo...

4 hours later…
Q: Was there ever a guy with eyes in his hands in Futurama?

DaveWas there ever a guy with his eyes in his hand in Futurama?

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