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Q: Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) quotation from "The Avengers" (original TV show, not Marvel)

Ray ButterworthThe second episode of Saint-Pierre (TV Series 2025– ) has a quotation from Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) of The Avengers (British TV Series 1961–1969): — I have my fears. I've just learned to live with them. — Are you throwing an Emma Peel quote at me right now? I thought you'd never heard of The Aveng...

2 hours later…
Q: Which Dragon Ball Z episode features the image of Goku in the Movies & TV SE banner?

galacticninjaIn our site banner, there's an image of Son Goku from the anime TV series Dragon Ball Z performing his signature Kamehameha / Kamehame Wave attack. While the site's FAQ meta post "Identify movies and TV shows from the image in the top bar / banner" confirms this scene is from Dragon Ball Z, it do...

4 hours later…
Q: Is there any advantage to identifying a 'Traitor'?

komodospIn the gameshow The Traitors, the players are secretly divided into two teams: "Traitors" and "Faithful". The objective of the Traitors is to "murder" the Faithful, while the objective of the Faithful is to identify and "banish" the Traitors, at the risk of accidentally banishing one of their own...

8 hours later…
Q: 2024: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we bid farewell to the year that's concluded and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently t...

Q: In Basic Instinct, why did not Beth take her hand out of her pocket?

AlfredNear the end of Basic Instinct, My question is, why did she not take her hand, empty, out of her pocket as he repeatedly asked her ?

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