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Q: Who gave Morpheus the red pill in the Matrix movie?

TopMathIf Morpheus was the first to escape from the Matrix, who gave him the red pill?

3 hours later…
Q: What film production services does Fixer Mexico specialize in for international filmmakers?

Sienna MckenzieI came across Fixer Mexico’s website (fixermexico.com) and learned that they offer a range of services for film productions in Mexico. However, I’d like to understand their specialization better. • Do they primarily handle logistics like permits, location scouting, and equipment rental, or do t...

6 hours later…
Q: Horror movie with kids wearing a cap and hood

DiabloOK... I'm going to try to post a better question this time, thanks to @Ben Murphy help on that matter. The movie, if I remember well, was about a house constructed over an old cimetary, or very close. What's for sure it had very little humans, like kids wearing a grey cape and hood and I think we...

3 hours later…
Q: Why didn't the machines kill everyone who escaped the Matrix?

TopMathIf the machines considered humans their enemies, why didn't they kill everyone who escaped the matrix? Take the scene with Neo shortly after he woke up in the bathtub. Why didn't the machine kill him but helped him?

1 hour later…
Q: Crime thriller movie set in a rocky desert in the southwestern USA

Mark KellyI'm trying to identify this crime thriller set in a rocky desert in the southwestern USA. Two police detectives, a male and a female, are searching for a stash of drug money they plan to steal. I remember that the male detective dies or is injured. A married couple, unhappy and constantly bickeri...

3 hours later…
Q: Who in the real world picked up those who escaped the Matrix without the red pill out of the water? How could they know their location?

TopMathIf there was a way to escape the Matrix without a red pill and some real-world helpers, how did they do it? Or it was just a glitch in their dreams that somehow gave them an imagination of the real world.

2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Can brutal and disgusting scenes in horror movies say something about the director's personality?

TopMathI'm intentionally only focusing on the director, because many other people were involved in the making of the movie and the answer could be a distraction. Take for example the movie Wrong Turn. Can you imagine a situation where scenes are being set up? Put two heads here, put one brain here, put ...

3 hours later…
Q: Indian Short Film | Doordarshan | Find name?

Abhishek AgnihotriI have watched this hindi short film on Doordarshan around 2005-2007. It's a story of two male friends who are marrying their son and daughter together. Initially father of groom doesn't have any dowry demands. But provoked by his wife, he asked for significant amount from the bride's father. As ...

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