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Q: A 80s or 90s color film about 2 or 3 young couples walk into a gothic mansion for shelter but the staff is reticent & stuff start to happen over time

nitinr708I am 40 year old in 2024, at that time I was about 10 in 1990s when my elder teen cousins used get VHS tapes of English films from local comic shop to watch together on weekend nights. So I will try to paint the picture the best way that I can to reveal the plot. If I can try to establish the tim...

2 hours later…
Q: In the TV show supernatural, when they needed to remove the mark of Cain, why didn't they try to find a spell or a witch to make him younger?

Larry FreemanWhen Dean was turned into a teenager, he lost the mark of Cain. It is clear that at least one witch was able to remove the mark of Cain by making him younger. Couldn't another witch have made him just younger than when the mark of Cain was added? Was this Sam and Dean just missing the obvious? ...

3 hours later…
Q: How is the flashback scene related to the current scene?

Max PowerIn a significant gathering at the Atomic Energy Commission, a dialogue unfolds between Robb and Robert. Robb queries about Robert’s post-war influence on the USA’s atomic policies. Robert, modest in his reply, suggests that his impact, while present, wasn’t as ‘great’ as some might believe: ROBB...

1 hour later…
Q: Horror/Thriller Movie: Woman put into a house of glass

DiabloDoes anyone know the name of this movie? It's about a woman being attacked by "entities" hitting her quite often. And scientists put her in a 100% glass house to try to see what's going on and help her. I think it's either from the '70s or '80s and saw it on TV.

10 hours later…
Q: Why is homemade food preferable over replicated food?

rumtschoI don't have exact examples, but I'm sure that I've seen it happen on many different starships in the Star Trek universe: replicator technology exists, but the people have a strong preference for food they've cooked themselves. I can imagine different explanations: It tastes better (in the sense...

1 hour later…
Q: A 60s Italian movie

Marco VincenziI'm looking for this old, black and white Italian movie, probably from the 60s or 70s. There's this scene where a kid and his mother figure (which I don't remember if it was his actual mother, an aunt, or a grandmother) are eating in the kitchen. The child spills some liquid on the floor, probabl...

4 hours later…
Q: Explanation on awards on a concrete example

DibidusI am new here. Consider the following example. Hillary Swank got every possible major award, even an Oscar/Academy Award for her role in Million Dollar Baby. Hillary Swank got nothing (no awards) for her role in Mary and Martha. I just think that the character of Mary is so complex and in my opin...

1 hour later…
Q: Abandoned railway station in Commissario Montalbano, Par Condicio

ShakesbeerWhere is the abandoned railway station located which can be seen in Commissario Montalbano, episode Par Condicio?

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