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Q: Were any of the penises shown in The Deuce real?

user182601In The Deuce, penises were sometimes shown. Were any of them real or were they all props? (Some articles state that at least some of the penises were not real, but I'm asking whether any were real or all were fake.)

5 hours later…
Q: What was the document that Paul and Chloe signed with Sabrina?

Sean DugganIn the 2009 French film Get In (originally titled Furie), it seems that the central reason behind Sabrina and Eric being able to squat in the house is a document that allowed Sabrina and Eric to pay the utility the bills, which grants some sort of ownership in the house to them despite Paul and C...

3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Quote from a movie or show: “[Pain of living became greater than death]”?

2540625Can anyone help me find a quotation that I vaguely remember from some movie or TV show perhaps fifteen years ago? I seem to remember a woman saying something like: “[Eventually the pain of living became greater than my fear of death.]”

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