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Q: Was it ever explained why The Pagemaster (1994) had so many actors from Star Trek in it?

Robert ColumbiaThe 1994 film The Pagemaster cast the voices of a rather large number of actors then famous for their work on Star Trek, including Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg, and Christopher Lloyd. Robert Picardo and Ed Begley, Jr. were also part of the cast but joined Star Trek as part of V...

6 hours later…
Q: Why in "Breaking Bad" Season 5 does Skyler's house get taken away?

vv vvvWhy in Breaking Bad Season 5 does Skyler's house get taken away? I don't get it. Walt's last phone call makes the police believe Skyler is an innocent victim forced into doing this for Walt and that she's not involved with what he did. So why did she get punished? Why did the government take away...

Q: How should we handle outdated comments stating ID questions are off-topic?

galacticninja Our community recently reaffirmed in June 2024 that we allow identification (ID) questions, reversing a 2018 decision that made them off-topic. Given this change, I've noticed many older comments on ID questions that still state they're off-topic. These comments seem to fit the description of the "

5 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Movie where a young director's student film gets made (badly) by a major studio

ValorumI have a vivid memory of a 1980s style film (which I likely viewed in the 1980s or early 1990s) where a young, upcoming director, who looked like a young Patrick Dempsey, is approached by a major studio after the success of his student film; a stark Bergman-esque black-and-white silent drama abou...

2 hours later…
Q: Godfather II - the attempted hit on Pentangeli

Tom MellyTwo questions: Why do the lie to Pentangeli, saying that Michael ordered the hit of they intended to actually kill him? It's pointless except in terms of plotting (i.e. It means that Pentangeli, having survived through luck, thinks Michael did order the hit) Why do they try to kill him anyway? ...

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