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12:15 AM
Q: What would "doctor shoes" have looked like in "Man on the Moon"

MikeIn the Andy Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon, at one point his sister is suspicious of a doctor in a hospital being a paid actor in an orchestrated hoax. She says that he wasn't wearing "doctor shoes". She may or may not have been right within the context of the movie, but what I don't know is: Wh...

6 hours later…
6:01 AM
Q: Midnight cowboy: what is Hoffman's character meant to represent?

andrósMidnight cowboy: what is Hoffman's character meant to represent? Clearly, the woman was gang raped before he goes to NY, and he thinks (rightly or wrongly) she blames him, and anyway she's instituionalised etc.. Is Hoffman's character meant to represent redemption through homosexual or platonic m...

4 hours later…
9:47 AM
Q: Serious Question about 3 Stooges and Laurel and Hardy

releseabeIt is pretty much explicit given the name that the 3 Stooges were supposed to be literally mentally deficient and Laurel of Laurel and Hardy in at least one movie refers to having a mental disability. My question is, did these two comedy groups as well as others represent people who might be much...

5 hours later…
2:20 PM
Q: Unblacklist the identification tags

galacticninjaThe community has recently reaffirmed its support for allowing identification questions on our site. The ID close reason has been removed, and our site tour and help center updated to remove references to the ID ban. However, the identification tags: identify-this-movie, identify-this-tv-show, id...

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