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9:08 AM
Q: What is the meaning of " ribbon-infested hellscape "?

Rajesh PrajapatiFrom Dickinson S01E03: Timestamp 17:45 Sue Gilbert : Why are you in Lavinia's room? Emily Dickinson : I got lost. And now I'm in this ribbon-infested hellscape. Ow! Sue Gilbert : Are you dying? Emily Dickinson : I hope so. Sue Gilbert : Emily, what is wrong? Emily Dickinson : I got my period. W...

9:28 AM
Q: What is the "Hard Drive & Wing Man" title card in Community a reference to?

galacticninjaIn the Community episode "Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care" (S06E02), Jeff and Elroy successfully extract Dean Pelton from his VR headset after he's been immersed in the virtual world for four hours. As they discuss the Dean's recovery, Elroy assures Jeff that "he'll be back to his old se...

5 hours later…
2:12 PM
Q: A question about Infested (2023)

swapblueWhat was Mathy's intention behind sacrifice? Did he think the cops are going to execute them? What did he achieve with his final act?

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