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8 hours later…
11:52 AM
Q: Brand references database

anolWhile talking with non-American colleagues to illustrate the importance of Pop-Tarts in popular culture, I tried to find a website that could list, for instance, all sitcoms containing references to it. However, despite my best efforts, I couldn't find much: Wikipedia's page on Pop-Tarts, in its...

5 hours later…
4:59 PM
Q: Actor gets credit before the show's Title

Alita RobbinsIs Cannon the only TV show that has the Actor's Name (William Cannon) shown before the Name of the Show?

3 hours later…
8:36 PM
He was the Professor Proton that Sheldon considered him his idol.
2 hours later…
10:07 PM
Q: What is Lee holding in her hands in Longlegs?

Yu ZhangIn the movie, Longlegs, FBI agent Lee goes back to her mom and cooks for her. When she is in the kitchen, she notices a box of items wrapped in plastic bags next to a few synringes, as we can see in this screenshot below, Agent Lee speaks to herself "Jesus Christ, mom" while holding a bag of ite...

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