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1:59 AM
Q: Is the 2 minute rule held strictly in from the viewer's actual clock time in Baghead, the film?

hello_there_andyBackground: I am watching this Film (baghead) while quite drunk with a friend on his netflix account shown on his TV. Question: There was a scene, involving Baghead transformed as Vogul involving what seemed like a longer-than-two minute dialogue by Vogul involving him essentially narrating the h...

2 hours later…
13 hours later…
3 hours later…
7:56 PM
Q: The Expanse - What is Kibble?

Aaargh ZombiesIn the Expanse, they mention "Kibble" several times as a foodstuff eaten on the belt. Red Kibble is supposed to be spicy, and white kibble is mentioned as well. Is there anything in canon (TV show or books) to say what kibble actually is?

2 hours later…
9:41 PM
Q: In Law & Order SVU S24 E2, Grace says something in Spanish to the grandmother. What did they say?

James RisnerIn Grace Muncy's first episode, she says something in Spanish at 12 minutes 50 seconds into the show to the grandmother which seemed to help convince the grandmother into revealing her grandson. I've search threads about the show her, on reddit, and spoiler/walkthrough. Apple TV subtitles ignores...

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