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Q: If everyone keeps their previous lives memories, why do people behave the same at the beginning of every cycle in the Endless?

Yu ZhangIn the movie, the Endless, characters are trapped in time-domes set up by a Lovecraftian elder god. According to their narration, they do keep their memories of previous lives they have lived many times before. If this is the case, why do some of them still behave as if they were experiencing the...

4 hours later…
Q: In Breaking Bad End Times , why didn't walter go with Skylar to Hank's house for safety

minh khoa vuIn the previous episode , he make sure he gonna kill walt and his whole family if he warn hank so both him and the family life are on the line right now , why not go with her to the safety place instead of staying at home and die alone which doesn't benefit his family in any way Edit : please , a...

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