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1:46 AM
Q: Why didn't Matt just tell Joyce that he had told Lyle that the painting was for their anniversary?

user182601In Escape at Dannemora (please help me add tag), E03, Lyle discovers the painting of the dogs and goes to confront Richard Matt. Matt then lies to Lyle that the painting was for Joyce to give to Lyle as their anniversary present. Matt then tells Joyce that Lyle found the painting and this is thei...

13 hours later…
2:57 PM
@User1865345 his AI had a personality too
3:36 PM
@AnkitSharma so true. I still can't believe how I watched that. It surely chilled my spines with those creepiness going on in the show. Kudos to the writers for branding it as a child show.
3 hours later…
6:10 PM
Q: Are there other pig families that aren't related to Peppa?

elly TimothyIn Peppa pig we're aware the families are animals, but every family is a different animal. When (if!) George and Peppa grow up, who will they have children with? same with other familys, Even Grandpa Pig and Grandma Pig are the same animal.

7:09 PM
@User1865345 I still wonder how they were able to do that, it should have been adult swim stuff not kids show but good for us I guess
3 hours later…
9:48 PM
@AnkitSharma those were some days. I mean I can't expect anything marginal of what it showed then can be telecast today. In any case, Cartoon Network is dead to me.
Their love for that idiot teen Titans just befuddles me.
2 hours later…
11:53 PM
Q: What do these scenes suggest in the Endless?

Yu ZhangAfter the two brothers find out what is really going on in the Endless, while traveling on foot, they encounter two strange and out of place statues; the first one is more abstract, resembling a face and the second one is an Eastern dragon. What do these scenes suggest?

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