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Q: How would I start an anime/manga club at my library?

Cameron CrouseI am planning to start an anime/manga club at my local library and would like some tips on how to run it so that everyone has fun. Currently, these are the parameters that I must work with - 1. The maximum number of hours for a meeting is 2 hours. Extensions on this are possible but generally o...

3 hours later…
Q: In the boarding school las cumbres,why was amaia seeing the dead girl,i understand why ines saw them but idg why amaia saw them. Anybody knows?

Fathia FathiaAmaia and ines could both see dead bodies. Ines had a reason or there was a reason why she saw them because of the connection to her past. But idk why amaia saw them

Q: What does "It" in "It's lettin'" refer to?

Avalon SinclairWhile camping in a tent and maintaining a fire, Frank shares with Lawrence and Oppenheimer his plans to get married. Lawrence offers his congratulations. When Oppenheimer inquires if the bride-to-be is Jackie, the waitress they know, Frank confirms that she is indeed his future wife: Frank: Yeah...

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