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Q: "They don’t speak it so much my side of the park." Which park? Which side is which?

uhoh RABI: We’re a couple of New York Jews, how do you know Dutch? OPPI: Well, I thought I’d better learn it when I got here this semester. RABI: You learned enough Dutch in six weeks to give a lecture on quantum mechanics? OPPI: I like to challenge myself. RABI: Quantum physics wasn’t challenging en...

1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Q: True Detective season 4: The tongue

DanielSo a woman (Annie I think) is killed years earlier and her tongue cut out. Then in present day the tongue appears in Tsalal station. So who cut it out and why did he decide to place it in Tsalal now? (note: it was found after everyone disappeared)

12 hours later…
Q: why ll the Endless(from Sandman) names start with the letter "D"? just a coincidence?

Humberto José Bortolossii've realized that in English all the Endless(from Sandman) names start with the letter "D": Death, Delirium, Desire, Despair, Destiny, Destruction, and Dream. is just a coincidence?

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