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Q: In Memento, why did Lenny not previously have a photo of Teddy?

PhilI've seen this question asked, but with no real answer/opinion given. In Memento, Lenny takes his photo of Teddy towards the end of the Black&White sequence, however Teddy later tells Lenny that they have been working together hunting John G's for over a year now. If they have been working togeth...

2 hours later…
Q: In Air(2023), who is Richard and what happens to him?

Jason P SallingerIn Air(2023), the story of Michael Jordan's signing with Nike, there is a very minor recurring character that has enough airtime, I would think he should be more significant. I can't understand why he's in the film given his scenes. Here are all of his appearances. First, after the initial meeti...

7 hours later…
Q: Did Jordan Belfort really own the most expensive real estate in the world?

Max PowerIn The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), Jordan Belfort narrates these lines about the house that he and his wife Naomi bought: Jordan: Seven acres on the Gold Coast of Long Island. The most expensive real estate in the world. With maids, cooks, landscapers, you name it. Did Jordan Belfort really own...

3 hours later…
Q: What fantasy movie is this?

hoochI hold out little hope that anyone will know this, but it's worth a shot. When I was young I remember watching a fantasy movie possibly made in the 1970's or 1980's. The only scene I really remember is of the main male lead sitting on the floor in a small house/hut in the forest. Forced to do so ...

Q: Why does Belfort think bigger firms’ involvement in CDOs and internet stocks is bad?

Max PowerIn The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), Stratton Oakmont founder Jordan Belfort welcomes Agent Denham onto his yacht, Naomi. Denham explains that he cannot discuss an ongoing investigation, but reveals that the case was dumped on his desk by a higher-up who wants to make a show of looking into the new...

3 hours later…
Q: How does the Sacred Timeline from Loki relate to the Multiverse from other MCU properties

Aaargh ZombiesIn season 1 of Loki we are introduced to the concept of the Sacred Timeline, a single curated timeline that is maintained by the TVA who prevent the it from branching off into different paths. In season 2 of Loki, branching timelines are allowed to form due to Loki's interference. characters in u...

2 hours later…
Q: Appaloosa (2008) Piano music

John RussellCould any please spot the piano song that Renée Zellweger (as Allie French) plays around 23-24 min into the movie Appaloosa (2008), just before she start playing Camptown Races? Thank you

1 hour later…
Q: How did Andy Dufresne crawl through half a kilometer of sewage pipe and not die from methane poisoning?

smashingtuckI'm talking about the escape scene at the end of Shawshank Redemption. More to the point, would there have even been any oxygen in a sewerage pipe that long? And I'm sure sewerage emits hydrogen sulfide as well as methane.

Curious about the downvotes on my question Who is Janis's date?. I've been on this site for long enough that I thought I had a pretty good grasp of voting culture here, but I'm honestly baffled
The only thing I can think of that seems likely is that people think the answer is too obvious, but I have mild face blindness and there were a lot of students that appeared only in passing (like the band geeks, who I did remember seeing multiple times throughout the movie) so I actually don't know if her date appeared before that
I also tried to leave the question open to behind the scenes info, since that often reveals some interesting information

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