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Q: What Twilight Zone episode has a lazy man whose mother does everything for him?

RishWhat Twilight Zone episode has a lazy man whose mother does everything for him? The following is the response from Google’s AI Bard. It seems to have the right description, but the wrong episode name and number. The Twilight Zone episode you're thinking of is called "Mirror Image". It was the 14t...

3 hours later…
Q: Pink drumsticks in the Barbie movie

Elements In SpaceIn Barbie (2023), the CEO of Mattel (played by Will Ferrell) brandishes a pair of pink drumsticks: As far as I remember, the CEO doesn't actually use these drumsticks for drumming or anything else in the movie (other than as a phallic symbol), but I could have missed something. Are the pink drum...

12 hours later…
@AJ He's in Canada, surrounded by trees! lol
@AnkitSharma Hehehehe!!!
@steelersquirrel I am in downtown, less trees here. For nearest wild trees I have to go Toronto island by boat
1 hour later…
@AnkitSharma They shouldn't be too expensive in Canada, though. That's the perk of living over here. Cheap Christmas trees!! :)
1 hour later…
@steelersquirrel I don't really like cutting trees unless if necessary and then I can't fold them to keep it for next year
@AnkitSharma Sure. That's fine, it's just these trees are planted specifically for Christmas. It's not like people are cutting down trees growing in the wild...unless you're Will Ferrell in Elf :P
Come on, were there any trees in Bethlehem when He was born?

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