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10 hours later…
12:00 PM
Bye everyone! I will not be participating on this site anymore. I would just delete my account, but I don't want others to lose rep. Good luck everyone! @AnkitSharma you know how to reach me offsite if you ever need to :)
3 hours later…
3:04 PM
@steelersquirrel I can still wish to see you back whenever you feel comfortable to do so.
2 hours later…
5:05 PM
@steelersquirrel it's only few days we conversed and it was fun to know you only for a brief time though (the Thriller club!). Wish we could have more talks. Best of luck!
There is a new movie based on Archies/Riverdale by Indian director Zoya Akhtar.
5:18 PM
@User1865345 I heard mostly bad things about it, it's full of nepo kids
Ah. I see. They are bunch of new kids as actors. But I guess the Archie trope is not getting older, no matter what happens.
5:46 PM
@User1865345 The Only Archies adaptation I saw with interest was Archie's Weird Mysteries. Rest Archies didn't work for me
6:01 PM
@AnkitSharma so damn true.
Not that into Archies either at any time of my life. Seldom comics reading but mostly that show.

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