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7 hours later…
Q: What's the name of this Korean series?

ErikaThe boy has an accident and goes into a coma. When he wakes up, he realizes that he has entered a parallel world where he is married to his ex-girlfriend and has a daughter...enter link description here

3 hours later…
Q: What is the significance of the plane tickets in Home Alone?

J. MiniIn the early scenes of Home Alone, much attention is drawn to some plane tickets: At least one goes in to the bin. The camera cuts so you can see this. Some have liquid spilled on them. The camera cuts so you can see this. Peter mentions, quite loudly, that he's putting some in the microwave to ...

3 hours later…
Q: Updated Question: In what order should a newcomer watch all of the Star Wars media?

Jason P SallingerThis question was asked in 2012. And all of its responses consider only episodes I - VI. But what about episodes VII - IX? And Rogue One? And Solo? And then you have the short-format series: Mandalorian, Kenobi and so on. And should animated series even be included in the discussion? As someon...

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