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6 hours later…
Q: What is the music played on the piano in "Little Big Man" when Jack Grabb enters the saloon (gunfighter period)?

martin.paloozaWhat is the music played on the piano in "Little Big Man" (Music starts at 2:17). Thank you.

3 hours later…
Q: What is Brad Pitt wearing in this scene?

Yu Zhang In this movie, Babylon, Brad Pitt is wearing a pair of black metal strappings above his socks, what are they?

2 hours later…
@User1865345 Oh, wow. He was 82? Crazy!!!
We used to do challenges or topics of the week for an actor when they would pass. That hasn't been done in a long time. Not sure if I even know any Ryan O'Neal movies well enough to as one
I never saw what the big deal was about Love Story
"Love means never having to say you're sorry" is about the stupidest line in cinematic history. Love means ALWAYS having to say you're sorry! LOL
@steelersquirrel lol 🤣
2 hours later…
@steelersquirrel someone can always suggest a topic of week and see how it goes
@steelersquirrel I make my husband say sorry all the time 😂

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