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Q: Why does d'Hubert do this?

king of panesWhen d'Hubert learns that Feraud is awaiting execution, he approaches Fouche to take Feraud's name off the execution list- but why, when he could've let him be put to death and be rid of an dangerous enemy?

1 hour later…
@AnkitSharma true again.
5 hours later…
Q: On the foreign language versions of "Richard Deacon - In Between"

Christoph MarkAccording to the Amazon page of "Richard Deacon - In Between", this movie, produced in Germany, is available in English and German, where specifically the original track is English and there's a synchronized voice in German available on this DVD. I would like to know in which other countries exce...

6 hours later…
Q: What is the significance behind naming the series 'Moving'?

J MIn the Korean drama series 'Moving' (무빙), which centers around superpowered individuals who once worked for the government and are now in retirement or hiding, with their children inheriting their abilities and the government pursuing them for use. What is the significance or reasoning behind cho...

3 hours later…
Q: The Emotional Complexity in the 'Oppenheimer' Atomic Bomb Test Scene

Iman MohammadiIn the film "Oppenheimer", there's a powerful scene following the Trinity atomic bomb test where the crowd's reaction is a mix of applause and tears. I noticed that while some characters, including scientists and their wives, were crying, others were clapping and ce...

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