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Q: What is the significance of exploding cars and toxic storm in Mad Max: Fury Road

Amna MalikAll the help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! link to the scene

8 hours later…
Q: Meaning of Resistance in Money Heist

Ankit SethIn the TV series Money Heist, Professor and Berlin say many times that they are "The Resistance" (Like when they are having a drink together in flashback). Tokyo also narrates that the professor's life revolved around only one idea - Resistance. I want to understand what do they mean by Resistance?

3 hours later…
Q: What is the significance of exploding cars and toxic storm in Mad Max: Fury Road

Amna MalikI want to analyze the VFX used in the sandstorm scene of the movie. There are only two VFX shots in the scene, the dusty sandstorm, and the exploding cars. So, I'm trying to analyze as to why are those shots important in the scene. link to the scene

2 hours later…
Q: What did Dignam want Billy to tell at Deerfield?

J Mac BrownDignam asks Billy about Uncle Jackie's funeral: Billy: I remember his funeral. Dignam: Closed casket? Billy: That's right. Dignam: So tell anybody up at Deerfield... Before you got kicked out for whaling on a gym teacher with a chair. You had an Uncle met his demise like that? I got a question....

1 hour later…
Q: What are the dangers in performing a stunt involving flying and spinning arm bars?

Taco タコスI recently watched Birth of the Dragon and absolutely loved it. In the movie, Master Wong performs a movement in which he performs a very cinematically pleasing flying arm bar with spinning involved (timestamp included): My biggest question surrounds the concept o...

2 hours later…
Q: How are period food wrappers sourced or produced?

nitsua60When a movie or show is set in, say, the '80s, how are the notably-dated food and drink wrappers/labels found? Does the production team generate them from scratch? Does Frito-Lay keep the designs for old Fritos bags in their archives and print off a custom order? Do third-party companies speciali...

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