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9:59 AM
Q: Did I understand the concept of Hypergeometric Random Variable correctly?

Thomas FinleyI am having some issues understanding the concept of a hypergeometric random variable. I was studying this concept from the book, "Introduction to Probability Models" by S Ross. The thing that was written there about this type of random variables goes somewhat like this: Consider a collection of...

Can someone please help me with this?
3 hours later…
12:30 PM
@ThomasFinley, FYI, people sometimes get annoyed when people post here asking for someone to answer their question. The chat feature is really just for "gossip, grumbles, and idle chat".
Regarding your question, it's only been up for two hours. Remember that you are asking strangers to volunteer their time to help you for free.
3 hours later…
3:15 PM
@gung-ReinstateMonica Ok, I understand. Is there any room suitable for these types of posts?
@gung-ReinstateMonica I think, that's the purpose of sites like these, isn't it? It's a knowledge sharing platform where people help each other for free without any fees or whatsoever.
Nevertheless, I object the first part of this sentence which starts, with, "You are asking strangers ...". This is because to put is simply, I am requesting, and not asking. Using the word asking, seems like that I am commanding someone to do it. But it's really not the case, believe me. That's why I used the word "please". If my words made it seem like the opposite, I am really sorry. But again, I never meant it that way
But I agree with your first comment. I'll surely keep it in mind.
Henceforth, I'll try not to post these types of things in this room. Thanks for the information! :D
2 hours later…
5:35 PM
Thanks, @ThomasFinley. Without paralanguage, you never know how someone will read something. There are2 issues: 1) this chatroom isn't for asking questions about stats (etc) or trying to bring attention to your Q on the main site; 2) re the main site, the original stated purpose was to build a repository of high quality information about statistics, machine learning, and data visualization in the form of questions & answers.
That is subtly different from people with questions should expect to get answers on their timeframe.
I do hope that you get the help you need on your Q on the main site.
5:57 PM
@gung-ReinstateMonica Thanks a lot for that! I got some of my questions cleared after having a conversation with you. So, thanks for that as well! Hope you'll have a good day! :D
6 hours later…
11:46 PM
I have across the project OpenTURNS. It is very interesting, and it is a surprising sleeper hit for me. Like some parallel equivalent of sklearn, but for probabilistic modelling. Very high level work. Almost surprised me how relative "unknown" it is, given that the Python ecosystem is so fluid.

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