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@Josko Sorry, but that is about the most unfocused question I can recollect in several years of watching here. The core of it may be a question is one sentence, but the rest is of extraordinary length.
5 hours later…
@NickCox LOL ;-) -- It's the longest question ever posted on this site since its inception. It's the first that ever broke the (large) character limit--and then overflowed into a second part posted as an answer!
@whuber 😂
@User1865345 Tagged!
@Galen 👍🏻👍🏻
@Galen this post should be given to each undergrad when they start learning about normality assumption and those tests. This can be a game changer. Trust me.
@Joako I agree with you. It's a focused question. The answer is not that focused (compare to the other answer you got). Also, I don't think it's a great style to mix answer and question like that? It's a bit confusing to read.
All in all, stack overflow has a peculiar culture. It's probably not the right forum to discuss questions like this one
1 hour later…
Appreciate how everyone came forward to help @Joako retrieve the post. Shoutout for @kjetilbhalvorsen too.
@GuillaumeDehaene it's for good reasons actually. Irrespective of the quality of the content, q&a should be precise, concise and yet not terse. It shouldn't go indefinitely being updated with newer things thus shifting the goal post frequently. It affects the readability, robustness of the thread all together.
Coincidentally Physics Overflow, one of the early platforms that severed from Stack Exchange, does provide such forum based facility in a q&a environment, which I feel doesn't add up at all, but not an expert in that front, and thus would refrain from commenting.
(Actually If I am not wrong, that facility was actually for discussing ArXiv preprints, etc.)

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