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Wordle 1,213 4/6*

@ErikReasonableRatesDarling you may be on to something. I didn't eat Ruth's Chris tonight.
7 hours later…
Wordle 1,214 X/6*

1 hour later…
@PaulWhite Did you have any insight on the hierarchyid question I noted above? I couldn't make head or tail of why it wasn't producing the optimization only when in a CTE.
Martin Smith just casually posting like half of my unpublished blog post
A: Why does sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file require an explicit cast on datetime2 column?

Martin SmithAs a "fun" exercise I thought I'd see if I could get the push down working. It is a shame that it isn't working correctly as the query execution time can drop quite a lot with this predicate pushed down as shown in the execution timings below. It is sometimes possible to get this working by Fir...

1 hour later…
Wordle 1,214 X/6*

@Zikato Martin was just helping you czech stuff off your to-do list
@mustaccio ouch
Wordle 1,214 5/6*

@JohnK.N. oh no
@Zikato publish the other half?
I'll publish it whole, it's just a very random coincidence
sounds like plagiarism
you should SUE
give'em the chair
I couldn't even share with him what a coincidence it was. The only way I can contact Martin is via a comment and that is forbidden!
if you go to this link
you should be able to invite him to a private chat
if you search the transcript, you might find other interesting people to invite to chat
thank you, I've tried it
hopefully MascGayFurScruff will reply
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,214 X/6*

why did you cut that frog in half
you cruel bastard
@Zikato I did the same at the time but gave up when most filetimes couldn't be represented
didn't they ship a v2 for that?
or am I thinking of something else
@PaulWhite Ah if only SQL Server had Unsafe.As like C#. Actually noooo don't go there....
I don't remember all the detail, but I don't think it was as easy as remapping bits in a sort of union
Maybe it is. Can't be that hard if the conversion is possible at all
@Charlieface Not really, aside from a dim recollection that the optimization is performed very early and very specifically
I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in the OrdPath technical paper
which paper?
The OrdPath technical paper
> ORDPATHs: Insert-Friendly XML Node Labels
sorry not seeing anything relevant there, it seems to be to do with XML optimization
Well that's all I can recall without doing any actual work
Wordle 1,214 5/6

@Charlieface HierarchyID uses OrdPath as well
You have to do some thinking to see the connection
@Lamak Congrats. Wife & I both failed today. We think it was a stupid word
Ended my 68-day streak
oh interesting. I thought it just used a binary string, where the path was a compressed form of the textual version
That paper's worth reading
For the interested party
But anyway, the optimization for the query in question is a fairly obvious one, given the ordpath structure, hence specific support for it in the parser. Being where it is, it's not very flexible, but common use makes it worthwhile.
@PaulWhite it was actually a typo
didn't know that word
Wife Wordle 1,214 X/6

ouch lol
Yeah, I thought there might be many failures 2day
I'm amazed she almost had it in one
had to look what it meant, what a stupid word
It's a real trap
As evidenced by the green vertical bars
@HannahVernon it's a frog ran over by a bike
A few Wordlers might call it a day I think
I still remember MAMMA and MOMMY just recently
yes, suffer, SUFFER
There was a time when Wordle avoided US spellings
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling That's not v nice
Suffer is 6 letters. It cannot be used for Wordle.
neither is your frog bisection
Well, it's only a picture
No actual frogs were harmed
Bob was gr8
wow 2007
Some content does not require the Web Archive
@Zikato Don't make it sound like a time b4 computers
A time before I could legally drink
You were born l8 m8
I can still die early
to compensate
@PaulWhite i loved bob in his blogging days
@Zikato you're a poet and you didn't know et
I heard there is a poet's society
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling yeh
man. stackoverflow. what a craphole
Why this time?
just first time back in a while and ... wow. it's just awful
3 hours later…
@Zikato lol yeah it sure is
hello has anyone died early yet
just checking
Trying my best...
you should listen to black sabbath backwards

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