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Wordle 1,188 4/6*

Serious lahk of frogs lately
6 hours later…
Wordle 1,188 4/6*

1 hour later…
> What does it mean by "upgrade to the latest version"?
good morning you frogless wonders
@PaulWhite i'm almost done with my pass session for this year on isolation levels. would you like to review it in exchange for invoices?
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling Sure, flick it over
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling wow I wish I could go to that session
is a cool word.
now we all know josh
has vancouver
for a safe word
its an even cooler place
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling 🤐
@HannahVernon Speaking of cool places, my wife and I are visiting Banff in a couple weeks. Have you been? If you have, any must-see recommendations?
@JoshDarnell its an awesome area. It's been quite a while since I was there however.
@HannahVernon 👍
what is a banff
is it an acronym
bear anger national forest foundation
Haha it IS a national forest. In Canada.
enjoy the cocaine bears or whatever
the number 255 is not allowed there
also looks a bit like barf, unfortunately
banff is probably eskimo for barf
they have 255 words for barf
Banff is named after the Russian adventurer who discovered it in 1892. He travelled with his companions Smirnoff and Stroganoff, but they got separated by a snow storm
how tragic~~
can you hear their wails in the night to this day
Not really, no. Smirnoff soon found himself in New York, where he amassed a fortune selling moonshine
stroganoff sounds like he may prefer the solitude
Stroganoff returned back home; he later became famous for his cookbooks
2 hours later…
He argued with everyone
Well known for beef
@JoshDarnell didn't they just have a major forest fire there?
@Forrest Near there, in Jasper.
"Near" being relative. I think it's like 200 miles away.
eh, Canada near
I see a lot of good pics out of Banff. Hope you enjoy the trip!
@Forrest it always amazes me when my English relatives think driving for an hour is a huge big deal.
You could drive for an hour here and see nothing
@Forrest Thanks!
@HannahVernon But there is nothing to see in Manitoba. Try driving for an hour in Banff
lol true
there is a lot to see in Alberta, that's for sure
I see StackExchange is busy on meta winning over the hearts and minds of everyone once again
in other news, my DHL courier has been "three stops away" for about 20 minutes. Don't they know I'm waiting lol.
just go find them
1 hour later…
it's been delivered, and I'm having a bit of fun setting it up. Meanwhile, DPA strikes again, reporting a "long running job" that ran for 14 minutes updating statistics.
Thanks SolarWinds.
i think the words that come to mind most often when looking at dpa is "picture me giving a fuck, solarwinds"
@ErikReasonableRatesDarling that's where Aaron worked for a while, isn't it. No wonder that product actually works.
yes indeed
they had many smart people at one point
2 hours later…

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