User-defined functions
I create user-defined functions, e.g.
create function dbo.udf_LeastInt(@a int, @b int)
returns int
with schemabinding
return case when @a <= @b then @a
when @b < @a then @b
else null
You can also make on...
> In 8.0, we changed the default translation for parameterized lists from constantization to parameterization (e.g. with OPENJSON); this is better for plan/query caching (single SQL), but can produce bad query plans (#32394). For 9, we're adding extensive means to control the parameterization vs. constantization behavior, both at the global context options level (#34344) and at the per-collection level (EF.Constant, EF.Parameter (#34345)).
For 10, we plan to reexamine what the default should be. The problem with the current full parameterization, is that the bad plans it occasionally cause…