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Wordle 1,149 3/6*

9 hours later…
@PaulWhite are you gonna re-blog that twitter article? i want to link to the most accessible source when i do my video about it.
@ErikDarling Yes, but not tonight
Well, probably not
I'll let you know
Meanwhile, the article (not post) link is x.com/SQL_Kiwi/article/1822670731291050176
okay, i can of course update as the situation clarifies
i aim to be dynamic
@PaulWhite are you interested in doing some paid script review at all?
@ErikDarling Placeholder added sql.kiwi/2024/08/dont-mix-with-datetime.html
@ErikDarling Perhaps, flick me some details by email. Off to sleep now, cheers
cool, done
Wordle 1,149 3/6*

3 hours later…
@ErikDarling I did! Thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
2 hours later…
Anyone need wisdom or unabridged pure knowledge, I got a few mins?

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