« first day (4967 days earlier)      last day (88 days later) » 

1:18 AM
@Zikato flying is unnatural
1:44 AM
Wordle 1,147 3/6*

4 hours later…
6:14 AM
Wordle 1,148 3/6*

2 hours later…
8:26 AM
Wordle 1,148 4/6*

4 hours later…
12:45 PM
Wordle 1,148 4/6*

5 hours later…
5:17 PM
This doesn’t look like a great weekend
Has @JoshDarnell gone to the movies yet
Has @Zikato decided to walk to London
Has @mustaccio finally grown a mustache
Has @PaulWhite drank gin out of a jandal
Has @SeanGallardy gotten out from under the pink dumbbell
5:35 PM
@ErikDarling I was watching the new Deadpool on your recommendation
5:54 PM
@ErikDarling Still struggling, lend a helping hand?
Once I conquer the pink one, the purple one is next!
@ErikDarling Going for a neck beard this year
3 hours later…
8:32 PM
Wordle 1,148 3/6*


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