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12:22 AM
Couldn't help myself
3 hours later…
3:22 AM
@PaulWhite definitely not. They were around up until I was 13 or 14. Fun little pull handles. Europe has electronic ones in a lot of places. Much less satisfying touch screen buttons.
5 hours later…
8:34 AM
@ErikDarling Oh!
A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,127 3/6*

@ypercubeᵀᴹ - welcome back! You were missed!
And of course I had my first BSOD for months today
@HannahVernon Sweet. We cleaned out our house recently and Dad's (a real audiophile - built his own speakers - the whole 9...) old turntable (thing weighed a ton - no plastic for Dad) went to my brother-in-law - I'm glad it found a home. I made use of it myself as a nipper - although our tastes did Clash (geddit? geddit?)...
2 hours later…
10:52 AM
Wordle 1,127 4/6*

11:32 AM
@PaulWhite they were a convenient way to buy smokes underage. No one questioned that lucky strikes were for grandpa.
2 hours later…
Failure to read the transcript detected
1:46 PM
2:20 PM
Lol well damn. At least I provided something he would like. But yea, whoops.
Wordle 1,127 3/6*

2:34 PM
@Vérace The Clash is awesome
2:47 PM
@HannahVernon London Calling - deffo in the top 10 albums of all time!
3:03 PM
1 hour later…
4:20 PM
Classic 🐬
1 hour later…
5:23 PM
Sorry I BSOD myself for a minute there...
and you were hit by a crowd strike for your troubles
1 hour later…
6:41 PM
3 hours later…
9:28 PM
Dolphin Punch
9:59 PM
Looks staged to me - its not even plugged in to an amp!
Very nice btw

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