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4:19 AM
A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,126 5/6*

4:45 AM
> Alternatively, consider not indexing this view.
❤️ whoever tagged that on the end of the error message
3 hours later…
7:52 AM
World IT crisis - airlines, banks, stock exchanges down - related to a Crowdstrike update crashing Windows computers... wow!
Nobody out there? Are ye all frantically firefighting?
Ryanair services disrupted - Europe's largest low-fares airline - arrive 3 hours ahead of your flight - my sister is flying to France this evening <gulp...>
8:07 AM
I'm predicting Red Hat (and other Linux suppliers) shares to go through the roof! Big de-Windows shake-up to hit IT?
8:21 AM
Sounds like a regex problem
F8 key hardest hit
@PaulWhite My rates are not unreasonable
Yes, indeed, I also believe that regexes were responsible for the Flood!
And the plague of locusts...
Ah the (\d{1,2}) Plagues of Egypt
8:46 AM
> HAL, initialise
> I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
I blame Catastrophic Backtracking myself!
You'll take that back!
At some point, antivirus becomes indistinguishable from a virus
And it's always the banks and airlines isn't it
9:04 AM
The same could be said for some database software!
9:22 AM
Thankfully my pool is unaffected
9:58 AM
Amazing insight
10:46 AM
Yes there was almost nothing of value in that whole thing
You can delete it from the transcript
11:27 AM
@ErikDarling Really, really profound brother! Mine eyes have been opened brother, praise the Lord - I am SAVED brother, I am SAVED - washed in the blood of the Server!
11:37 AM
@ErikDarling I demand a time refund
11:49 AM
I believe that space on the Tardis is limited?
12:39 PM
So this is what they meant when they called themselves "crowdstrike"...
Is it too late to short them?
I think you can still do it, as the market opens in 15 minutes
12:54 PM
Wordle 1,126 4/6*

1:07 PM
Wordle 1,126 6/6*

1:31 PM
Wordle 1,126 4/6*

2:23 PM
One depressing thing about all this is that so many people are blaming Microsoft for a dodgy antivirus patch
3:19 PM
Is it antivirus? I thought it was spyware
3:33 PM
Has Crowdstrike started trading?
Down 12% or so last I saw
@Zikato Whatever it is CrowdStrike is supposed to protect against. I'd never heard of it b4 2day
CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Austin, Texas. It provides cloud workload protection and endpoint security, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services. The company has been involved in investigations of several high-profile cyberattacks, including the 2014 Sony Pictures hack, the 2015–16 cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the 2016 email leak involving the DNC. In July 2024, a faulty update to its security software caused global computer outages, impacting air travel, broadcasters, and other services. ...
Endpoint security or endpoint protection is an approach to the protection of computer networks that are remotely bridged to client devices. The connection of endpoint devices such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and other wireless devices to corporate networks creates attack paths for security threats. Endpoint security attempts to ensure that such devices follow compliance to standards. The endpoint security space has evolved during the 2010s away from limited antivirus software and into a more advanced, comprehensive defense. This includes next-generation antivirus, threat detection, ...
> The endpoint security space has evolved during the 2010s away from limited antivirus software and into a more advanced, comprehensive defense. This includes next-generation antivirus, threat detection, investigation, and response, device management, data leak protection (DLP), and other considerations to face evolving threats.
Whole bunch o' words
> Hosts running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 are not affected.
You'd think most companies would be fine then, with their extensive XP estates
my dentist was fine this morning, so is there even really an outage?
Might be fake news
Can't really trust the internet
You know, I can't help but think this isn't the first time problems have arisen due to automated immediate rollout of patches everywhere all at once
Some lessons need to be relearned regularly?
Like AGs, causes more problems than it solves
3:53 PM
It is interesting to consider if all the software testing checks for durability after reboots
Something to ponder in the elastic pool, sipping on a cocktail
4:09 PM
CS shares down 20%
Wordle 1,126 6/6*

> CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said the issue has been “identified, isolated and corrected,” and a witch-hunt troubleshooting process has begun.
HugOps to our unfortunate brethren
My Linux laptop appears unaffected!
People in the media are saying things (questioning "experts") like "So, Linux and Mac servers are unaffected?" - does anybody use Macs as servers?
Let's have a "Most Unusual Bug" competition - what's your MUB?
Mine was where I was working for a logistics company where we delivered wines and spirits for the largest Irish distributor of same. We were receiving messages every day from them with the orders - and 50% were just gibberish. We looked at everything - myself and the guy from the distributor.
I (preening) eventually got it. I started looking at the files in that well known debugging tool - Notepad and I noticed (after many false dawns) that if the number of bytes in the files was even, things were fine and dandy, but if it was odd, we got gibberish. Fix was that the distributor added a byte to odd-byte files - problem solved!
Anyone ever see anything like that?
1 hour later…
5:36 PM
@PaulWhite poor summer intern. We hardly knew ya
OTOH they've got a killer brand recognition now
2 days ago, by Peter Vandivier
user image
5:50 PM
Anyone know what CTRL + SHIFT + T does in SSMS? Seems pretty mysterious to me so far...
6:18 PM
@JohnK.N. - just bought some of Mic's Chilli - Trouble in Trinidad sauce - put it in puttanesca - Wow! Your POV if you've had it?
@PaulWhite That seems custom for you. I don't have a shortcut bound to Build.BatchBuild currently.
The intriguing behavior I'm seeing is it moves the word under the cursor ahead of the next word, but skips tab stops sometimes, and has some nondeterministic-like behavior.
@J.D. That's just a spare thing I tried to add the same shortcut to so SSMS would show me what it's currently bound to
Dolphin-friendly annotations
6:24 PM
What does that even mean lol.
No idea
Possibly a Visual Studio Shell hangover that makes no sense within SSMS
Definitely does not line up with the behavior I'm seeing in any sense of those words lol
In Visual Studio, with a solution open, it lets you start typing a filename and jump straight to that file in the editor.
It's very useful in that context, I use it constantly.
Very helpful
Yea CTRL+SHIFT+T is definitely mysterious AF when in the context of a query window.
6:32 PM
Josh literally just explained it?
No, that's what it should probably do. But that's not what it does for me lol.
Ok. lol
If you open a new query window, type some words, place your cursor in the middle of it, and hit that keyboard shortcut, you don't see weird text manipulations?
I'm not interested in trying it tbh
2cool4sk00l I guess.
6:34 PM
I hit accidental key combos in SSMS often enough already
P much how I got there lol.
The knack with SSMS, I've found, is to somehow get it to a st8 where it is broadly functional then stop buggering about
The software may well be non-deterministic
This one just struck my curiosity for the odd nondeterministic-like behavior I'm seeing. I can't figure out any rhyme or reason why it moves the word X number of tab stops or randomly switches which word it moves ahead lol.
Don't use tab stops?
Also, don't press CTRL+SHIFT+T
@PaulWhite Don't they exist even if you don't use them. >.>
6:38 PM
You could also try unbinding that shortcut to see if that helps
If all else fails, call a consultant in. I hear Erik has reasonable r8s for m8s
Often necessary when local factors are involved
user image
Quite possible.
@J.D. I do see that in SSMS, and it's very weird.
@JoshDarnell Cheers for confirming it's not just me lol.
If only the duck were as evasive as its name suggests
It swaps the token my cursor is on with the first token from the last line in the query window.
6:47 PM
@JoshDarnell Kind of. If you spam it enough it switches which token it's using sometimes, it's fairly random for me.
> // TODO: deallocate memory
Not something you want to see in a production C library you're using.
lol nice
Are you reading the Crowdstrike Falcon agent sources
1 hour later…
8:19 PM
@JoshDarnell I think someone did this a little too well with my programming
2 hours later…
9:51 PM
Wordle 1,127 2/6

@ypercubeᵀᴹ Hello!
Wordle 1,127 3/6*

hi all. I've been away for a while
I was pleased with my effort 2day, but my wife also did it in 2
10:10 PM
Wordle 1,127 2/6*

10:24 PM
@ypercubeᵀᴹ hello!
10:37 PM
@ypercubeᵀᴹ missed u boo
"been away for a while" used to be a euphemism for being in jail 🤔
10:58 PM
went out for cigarettes
sounds vaguely familiar
I hope you bought more than one this time
Running out is not a holiday-compatible event
I suppose you're too young to remember cigarette vending machines

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