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@Vérace a little - I do the commute mostly. Recreational rides kinda went away.
3 hours later…
@ErikDarling are you the racoon or the .. not racoon?
"LEARN SQL IN 2 DAYS" ? I can has be Dee Bee Aye ?
@SeanGallardy Good enough. Ship it. Once you fix the title bar shade, of course.
2 hours later…
@SeanGallardy nice!
Wordle 1,124 3/6*

A chairde - Morning all!
2 hours later…
@MichaelGreen not the raccoon obviously
1 hour later…

Wordle 1,124 4/6*


Broken trident.
2 hours later…
@MichaelGreen of course, I shouldn't miss the "big picture" :D
2 hours later…
@SeanGallardy Ooh, what are you working on?
Wordle 1,124 4/6*

Wordle 1,124 5/6*

2 hours later…
@SeanGallardy Will that sort of thing be affected by the VS 2022 shell in SSMS 21?
Wordle 1,124 4/6

That was neat, every letter was in my probe words in exactly the right place. I'm not sure how many words could even do that. Need to figure out a query to run an analysis for that.
@JoshDarnell I figured it was time I tried to make an extension to do the things I want natively in SSMS :D
@PaulWhite Yes but AFAIK it just requires a compile with the different SDK references... but I'm not a @Josh level .net dev so not 100% sure.
@PeterVandivier That's really neat.
now i just need to figure out how to disable solution explorer >.<
well - disable solutions i guess
has that always been a thing and it's just been so long since i used an older version that i've forgotten how annoying it wasn't?
i feel like i have no idea why a solution initializes and then it becomes a blocking dialogue to close SSMS
2 hours later…
I don't know what that is, and don't think I've ever had it happen.
I get the object explorer on startup, but no solution explorer.
it's not the explorer interface per se - rather that open tabs get automagically added to a new solution :-\
the solution explorer doesn't open, but the solution gets initialized somehow
maybe i ticked a setting somewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@PeterVandivier Oh interesting. I don't think I've had that happen either, but I'm not sure if I'd know if it did or not :D
yea, it's a bummer 'cause AFAICT it's preventing me from using the unblocked SSMS shutdown feature you get from SQL Prompt tab history :-\
That sucks.
@PeterVandivier I don't think you can do anything about the reminder to save the solution
It's annoying, but I don't find it too bothersome since I rarely restart SSMS
Maybe this sort of advanced feature will be in SSMS 25
AFAICT it's getting removed in 21 actually
It was only relatively recently that the tick box arrived to not remind about unsaved files
@PeterVandivier Well, that'll b gr8 if it eventuates
This is so weird. I've never been prompted about anything related to a solution when closing SSMS. I don't have SQL Prompt installed. Maybe it uses them "behind the scenes" somehow.
I just hope they get the colours right
@JoshDarnell Do you close all your tabs neatly before shutting down?
> This feature will be removed in a future version of SQL Server
@JoshDarnell Also, are you on some ancient SSMS
@PaulWhite No. But...now that you mention it, I've just don't read very carefully 😵‍💫 I've never noticed that the popup says something about a solution. I just thought it was a generic thing about having unsaved script files open.
Please excuse my insanity.
Unblemished brand
user image
@PaulWhite 😂
Thank @Zikato again for that
A: Suppressing the SSMS prompt to save changes

Martin SmithIn SQL Server 2016 this is apparently coming. The pre-release docs says New option to skip prompt to save T-SQL files We have added a new option under "Tools|Options|Query Execution|SQL Server" to control if a prompt is shown for unsaved T-SQL files. In previous versions there is no setting to...

ew... are you able to bind parameters to prepared statements and then choose to never reference them...?
well that's annoying
how was i supposed to know this gun would shoot me in the foot
caution: filling may be hot
@PaulWhite The whole check for transactions I have turned off and the other things I have turned off because of this

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