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@Vérace nice!
3 hours later…
Wordle 1,123 4/6*

2 hours later…
@Criggie one man's trash is another man's treasure
2 hours later…
@HannahVernon Not too shabby either!
1 hour later…
@ErikDarling It's bound to be right eventually
@ErikDarling Trying to tell a bit of a story
Left quite a trail anyway
2 hours later…
Erik is such a Star Trek nerd
Is no one using Service Broker? Google has no hits for "CSbRollbackHandlerTask"
@ErikDarling I was surprised. I thought you detested Star Trek|Wars
Funny that you would be phased by Star Trek
@ErikDarling Bit of a kick in the dilithium crystals? Ouch...
@PaulWhite I will always love Trek. Will never forgive Wars.
@Vérace wonder why no one has invented those yet.
@ErikDarling Well, I have two of them! :-)
Yeah how many parsecs can you do
@ErikDarling Sometimes they help me to get up to Warp 9 in the bedroom!
No love for Star Gate in this channel?
Or Farscape
Star Gate was gr8
1 hour later…
@Zikato Love 'em both
Hey folks, I was in here a while ago asking a couple things (ABBA functional dependencies!); I don't have an account on the main site so I can't flag but I wanted to raise awareness of a minor thing
There's a network user that likes to ask questions on a particular site when it is 'site of the day'; I surmise DBA is since they've asked a (not particularly well-received) question -- the questions are usually trivial, banal or hugely broad
when the question(s) is/are inevitably closed and/or deleted the user posts on a site's meta with a "reinstatement request", usually asking 'what question on (topic) can I ask instead'
(inter alia, they also bump their posts with whitespace)
For more context- they've been banned from Wikipedia for their problematic edits and refusal to take heed for years
How y'all handle it is your business of course, but just wanted to let you know some of the background :)
(I'll hang around in for a bit chat in case there's any follow up questions)
we deal with banal or trivial questions with banal, trivial downvotes
on DBA.SE, we hate fun
I mean, that directly contradicts the Certificate of Fun® I was issued last time I was here
but I'll take your word for it
1 hour later…
Well - our 4-yerar old Mac laptops all get crunched because IT can't find a solution to wipe them securely.
The PCs get wiped with "wipedrive" which is acceptable, but not the macs.
so work's trash is landfill despite being eminently reusable.
@Criggie Why not Dban? It's a great tool!
"not approved"
also, dban doesn't deal with reallocated blocks securely.
for an ssd, there could be 4k or 16 k or 128k blocks of "reallocated sectors" which could still hold their old data which might be sensitgive
dban is better for spinning disks, its not ideal for an SSD
so yeah there is some justification for the company decvision, but Apple have a solution for secure wipe of any host with a T2 chip or any apple silicon. Company doesn't accept that though.
Ooops - make that nwipe.
Yah - "wipedrive" is a commercial wrapper around nwipe. It also handles all the logging and corporate "complaince" requiremnents, at a cost.
So only the SSDs are "crunched", right? Not the whole machine...?
The whole machine
Apple has storage on board, so not removable
Could just destroy the main board leaving the case/screen/battery but that's a lot of work to extract.
onboard soldered SSD storage on the motherboard, or on the chip, is not easily changed.
@Criggie why I never bought a Mac! I like Acer Nitro 5 PCs - 3 disks!
I never bought a mac either, but I now have a couple of minis from2014. They had removable disks so could be safely not-destroyed.
@bertieb Thanks
I have some brand preferences, and Acer is one that I will never spend money on again. They had some real design stinkers which burned me in the past
@Criggie I see. Crikey what a waste
Like, having a mouse button directly soldered to the mainboard of a laptop, so every button click flexed the board. That laptop died quickly.
good thing, a 2014 mac mini makes a fine linux box :)
@Criggie apart from mouse? Always use USB on my standing desk!
Oh yeah - wireless mice and keyboards can just FOAD.
I'm slightly more accepting of wireless headphones, but the number of times people at work have issues makes me stay with my $20 wired logitechs from 10+ years ago.
Wireless is good enough for music, but not meetings/calls.
It's a start, I guess
@Criggie Bluetooth is fine, no?
Wordle 1,124 3/6*

I am on fire!
As are Shamrock Rovers (Dublin team) 2-1 Vikingur (Iceland). Meet Sparta Prague in the next rounnd - a whole different kettle of fish I think - eh @Zikato?
@Vérace its... getting better ?
@Criggie OK - problem with bluetooth? Works dandy on my JBL speakers and with headsets!
yeah its not too bad, but that crunch time of meetings, there's frequently someone with a prob.
@criggie see you're a biker! Used to do a lot of road work myself. Now got a German stationary - like being on the deck of an aircraft carrier, it's that solid!

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