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2:09 AM
Why are they debating slight colour changes to SSMS' Object Explorer. Is this some kind of subtle joke
3 hours later…
5:04 AM
Wordle 1,121 4/6*

Frog with shot ear
5:45 AM
Hmmmm, yes.
Wordle 1,121 4/6*

1 hour later…
6:52 AM
Wordle 1,121 4/6*

1 hour later…
7:54 AM
Jeez I go away for a few weeks and all hell breaks loose
8:10 AM
who let the frogs out
Well some may say Pharaoh, some may say Moses, but ultimately God is probably in charge of the frogs.
8:41 AM
I didn't even know that worked with TRUNCATE and DDL, I thought it was only for DML locking. — Charlieface 2 days ago
“Crikey” - Face
A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,121 4/6*

13 hours later…

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