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1:56 AM
@ErikDarling Don't know, but I'd like to think he stopped being an asshole and is now performing some useful function in the world
6 hours later…
8:25 AM
A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,100 3/6*

1 hour later…
9:43 AM
Wordle 1,100 5/6*

2 hours later…
11:40 AM
@PaulWhite thank you for not forgetting about things
1 hour later…
1:09 PM
Kinda strange everyone thinks Azure SQL Database is ahead of SQL Server 2022. Compatibility level 160 is only just being applied to Azure SQL Database, and even then it doesn't support Optimized Plan Forcing. Several other Intelligent Query Processing features are marked as being In Preview.
"Kinda strange everyone thinks Azure SQL Database is ahead of SQL Server 2022." Wasn't that one of big selling points of the Azure SQL?
Marketing people say a lot of things
In other words, caveat emptor, huh?
1:57 PM
I was quite surprised to see that the other day
2:41 PM
me 2
2:58 PM
Wordle 1,100 4/6*

5 hours later…
7:35 PM
Wordle 1,100 5/6*

@Vérace nice!
4 hours later…
11:41 PM
Wordle 1,100 5/6*

Tough one today

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