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He's in my landrover - and it has scuttles below the windscreen. He likes to sit with his face on teh dashboard and have the neighbourhood smells powered into his nose :)
Don’t tell him about used sneaker eBay
6 hours later…
good morning
3 hours later…
Wordle 1,097 4/6*

A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,097 3/6*

Spain v. Italy and Denmark v. England should be good games! As per request, no spoilers...I think I'll support Italy in the first match, Denmark in the other and Slovenia against Serbia!
Wordle 1,097 4/6*

2 hours later…
GIVE ME YOUR NUMBERS: Is anybody else responsible for ~1600 databases (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL) running on ~550 instances located on ~140 servers?
310 databases, running on 2 SQL Server instances, 2 virtual servers :-)
I'm not responsible
John: How are you even able to manage that? Especially since it has several different RDBMS...
@Yano_of_Queenscastle Well I have to learn the basics for each RDBMS: installation, configuration and maintenance. Then it's just up to learning some more. And even more. We use Rocket Remote Desktop to connect to the systems and a database to track all databases.
I'm not as good as others here, but I have a pretty good knowledge of internals of SQL Server and Oracle and some basic internal knowledge of the other RDBMS. I lack the knowledge on the tricky SELECT statements (CTE, PIVOT and the likes) and sometimes forget simple SELECT basics, but I'm quite the A in DBA.
Impressive. I admire such versatility.
Appreciate. You seem to doing a good job yourself. :-D
@JohnK.N. Looks can be deceiving, but thank you for the kind words.
So did Niko Neugebauer cancel his blog when he went to MS? nikoport.com is not working for me - had to access it via wayback machine
Is there any reason why Check constraint failure will show the runtime values but foreign key failure does not?
Intern variability
Who's Laziness?
@Zikato Pretty sure it was working yesterday
Maybe it was demonetized for Czech republic
Not working from here today either
Perhaps someone didn't pay their bill
Maybe someone from a rich company like NVidia will take care of it
I was wondering how to find your new blog posts in one place - luckily it's here
Did you move the blog to Twitter so Sean can't read it?
p much
for the modern kids
I wish those links were the ones shared by default. I always have to go looking for them
Nice blog
Some of us still do that
From time to time
Anyway, yes, it was inspired from your video. I thought the different row distribution across threads without a Repartition Streams was worth writing about, and it sort of spiralled from there. As these things tend to do.
I hope no breakpoints were harmed in the writing of that blog post
Many were set and reset
You have to be really motivated to debug a parallel plan
I wouldn’t even know where to begin
It's like explaining parallel nested loops in a foreign language
To someone that speaks a third language
While in character as a mime
Anyway, imagine buying SQL Server 2022 and thinking you were getting new code
Hey you get Ledger tables
aka punishment tables
> Beloved SeaWorld mime fired after 36 years over dispute with security guard
Wonder if he’s available for a parallel nested loops video
raises many questions
vitanzi vilivyowekwa sambamba
is that a fact
Man a Swahili scrabble game would be bonkers
2 hours later…
syntax sanity check - specifying data_compression = page on the table is redundant if you specify it on the clustered index, right?
oh wait
like create table?
not rebuilding an existing one
new table
yeah well the clustered index is the table so it would be redundant
it may help to think of a table with a clustered index as a clustered table vs. heap table
i thought you meant if specifying it for other indexes would be redundant if there clustered index were compressed
no, just for the CX, but ty
yes good luck with the job interview
no, just noticed i forgot to put compression on a table i made earlier this week
but i'll be sure to hit you up when i need to explain the different types of joins
how r ur r8s?
vry rsnbl
1 hour later…
Just curious: what type of data do you store in your personal and private databases?
And also, do you know maybe how can I access the database of my personal PC computer? I use Windows 10, how do I access my own database?
@user402514 Private and personal, thank you very much :D
@user402514 Are you talking about some particular database? As far as I know, Windows 10 donẗ come with preinstalled generic database. Unless you cound file system, which, I guess, could be thought of as a database, though it is not usually what people mean by that term.
@user402514 I have a feeling that you're thinking about an application like Evernote or something
I don’t have enough personal data for a database and anything private I wouldn’t store where anyone could ever get to it
there are few things quite as annoying as various batch mode eligibility tricks not getting the full batch mode on row store experience
3 hours later…
A: High Memory Usage for SqlBulkCopy

ZikatoI did a test I've created three tables Clustered columnstore Clustered index Heap And ran a bcp tool against 3 of them while looking in the Query Store Repro CREATE DATABASE BulkCopy GO USE BulkCopy go ALTER DATABASE [BulkCopy] SET QUERY_STORE CLEAR DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.OrderItemCCX CREATE...

Chat GPT generated answer
Wordle 1,097 6/6*

That shouldn't have been so hard
Why do baseball players have those huge floppy gloves
Do they not have hands
Why do American "football" players have those huge caged helmets and pads all over their bodies
Do they not have heads and/or shoulders
Probably because healthcare in the US is so expensive
@PaulWhite because the ball moves in miles per hour which is much faster than you can comprehend
@mustaccio because they’re trying to murder each other
I am here for any other questions in which I can act as a cultural ambassador

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