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> What we've got here is failure to consult the transcript. Some men, they just can't read.
5 hours later…
Apparently, writing more than 16 words in an answer would be a dissertation
A chairde - Morning all!
Wordle 1,092 3/6*

Wordle 1,092 3/6*

Thought about upgrading to SSMS 20 again today. Doesn't upgrade SSMS 19. WTF.
And the Windows Update I deferred came with a 5-minute Microsoft promo on restart.
No. For the nth time, I do not want to use Bing as my default search engine.
No. I do not want to pay for Office 365 or One Drive.
No. I do not want to link my phone. Fuck off.
Just be glad Windows is not annoying you with 3rd party ads, yet.
Haven't they been fined in the past for this sort of one-sided offering?
In any case, it's massively annoying
Dunno? I think they got fined for suggesting their browser as default, is that what you mean?
Bundling stuff in the OS and making their own things default
The super-chirpy text just makes it all worse.
I'm "all set" to be "more productive" etc.
Despite changing nothing.
Definitely agree about the tone of the messages. That's the worst part. It' almost as if they are mocking you.
It's like being spoken to as if I'm ten years old and below average intelligence at that
Perhaps it's normal speak for the US
I've heard bad things about the US, but surely it can't be that bad.
4 hours later…
Hey it’s a spicy morning in here
1 hour later…
Wordle 1,092 3/6*

Frog in a hat
4 hours later…
Are Microsoft still flogging the dead horse that is Bing?
Haven't logged into a Windows machine in that long... maybe it was before Bing? :-) Nawh...
1 hour later…
Is there a way to force a connection on specific scheduler?
What sort of connection
sql server connection / session. Currently I wrote a infinite loop that checks the current scheduler and kills it if it's not the desired one
Hoping there is a better way
1 hour later…
I think I remember Joe doing something similar.
2 hours later…
The trick is to get the connection right first time

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