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You could ask
With your moderator powers
I'm not curious enough
Green blobs all the way down is enough 4 me
Let people believe what they want to believe
You’ve been assimilated by wordle
Yearning for green blobs
I'm at peace with that
Paul (||) Peace
> Catholic priest claims Jesus died with an erection, gets a rise out of congregation
Scanning the highbrow news sites this morning, are we
Just trying to build up my social credit boss
You live in the US. Your social credit score is your bank balance
This chat is an international community
A League of Nations
Would you like to extend some of your social credit to a poorer nation?
Could I test something rq? I suspect it's possible to game the announcer badge with a chat bug, but I need to try it in a few rooms for it to work
Done, thanks for your participation :p
@GoldFarmerSprow did it work ? What was the goal there ?
@mustaccio all my money is tied up in goatsecoin
this feels somewhat mislabeled
4 hours later…
That's a disaster of a graph even without the red/blue thing
3 hours later…
You gotta respect a graph that tops out at 120%
Raise that roof you sexy thang
Wordle 1,083 4/6*

Enjoyed this one for some reason
Took me all of 10 seconds.
4 hours later…
Q: Are questions about problems with DB in container on-topic?

PM 77-1I saw a question on SO and voted for its migration to DBA site, but now not sure if it was a right choice. [I'm not putting a link here to avoid meta-effect]. It boils down to Oracle errors when running Oracle container in Docker.

Wordle 1,083 3/6*

Long time no see folks
2 hours later…
I should short MS stocks
> "And as individuals too, we have important data, the data that we interact with all the time, and there's an opportunity to start thinking about how to do that and to start thinking about what it means to be able to capture and use that. But of course we are rethinking what data means and how we use it, how we value it, how it gets used."
Imagine being capable of this level of gibberish
This is also 100% going to be one of those “of course none of your data goes this the cloud” when all your data goes to the cloud things
Oh you put your recall folder where it syncs to OneDrive oops
It's bad even when local
Local factors apply
Of course. None of it is good.
And I say that as someone who shitposts publicly in 70 different places
@ErikDarling He might not have a problem with it, but he's lucky Microsoft Corporate IT even lets him run it. I cannot foresee any financial or healthcare business allowing it to run on their employees machines at all. You would have to exclude all line of business apps to start with - no recording of customer account details or medical history would be allowed. Most of those companies already would have policies about not retaining data outside of the systems in any way.
The idea that those screenshots of systems that companies paid a lot of money to organize and manage and secure their data is somehow doing better for their data is mindboggling.
Imagine if you had an employee within your company who thought it was a good idea just to scrape all your Salesforce data and hold it locally instead of having to login to Salesforce. You'd be amazed they weren't fired.
@CadeRoux Jaime is a she, for the record
But yes, it’s watching a disaster unfold
Taking corporate espionage to a whole new level
@ErikDarling Oops
From that article, it sounds like it came out of Microsoft Research - which is probably because they were looking for anything AI powered to announce and ship get on the AI hype bandwagon.
@ErikDarling Also this is the same kind of bullshit like that Sam Altman comes out with: "we need to have a discussion as a society about this". No, maybe we need to have a discussion as a society about why you are even given a platform and attention to do this shit, you psychopath.
@CadeRoux in my experience every time someone says we need to have a discussion they just want to talk at you and call you names for disagreeing
@ErikDarling In his case, he just wants to fob it off on someone else who wouldn't need to do the work to clean up after him if he wouldn't keep unleashing weaponized technology on society.
He has no intention of spending the time doing the work, or leading a discussion
@ErikDarling Sounds like good reasoning
Wordle 1,083 4/6

Sort of a poodle looking thing
The US just beat Pakistan at the T20 cricket World Cup
For context, that's about as surprising as Ireland bearing a top US team at baseball
Or a dolphin writing a SQL query correctly
Or Microsoft being concerned with privacy
@PaulWhite ouch
@PaulWhite ok
1 hour later…
Hey everyone
Margaritas are on me
I tried to get one at the bar around the corner but they said they didn't know any erik darlings and didn't care, so I ended up paying for it myself.
How do I get reimbursed
@PaulWhite so you're saying there's a chance?
That despite the fact that the owner calls everybody "darling"
Go figure
@PaulWhite Must have been rigged, like the US elections !!!!!11one
@Criggie very bold to suggest cricket could ever be compromised like that
@J.D. there is a chance, yes
@mustaccio allow 4-6 weeks for delivery
Wordle 1,084 4/6*

I know it's early but look at that classic frog
Still got absolutely owned by the wife, who got it in two today
@ErikDarling In four weeks the summer will be no more here, I'll have no use for margaritas then. Are hot toddies eligible?
Wordle 1,083 4/6*

@PaulWhite is she in Mensa or something
@ErikDarling daft use of available luck. Powerball is $50 million tomorrow night and must be won
Wordle 1,084 2/6*

st8 of that
@PaulWhite I’m on it like uh
Salt on the rim of a margarita
clearly a T2.micro is not enough for windows to idle
What are you criggling on about now
Something about Windows always working hard for you, I think
Hard to type that with a str8 face
Or it could've been something about a tiny Arnold Schwarzenegger

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