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@ErikDarling That feels counterintuitive, but I'm willing to take your word for it.
I'm sure I spend money on stuff that other people would think is dumb as hell.
A chairde - Morning all!
Isn't insomnia a wonderful thing... not!
Wordle 832 2/6*

you made a dead frog
@Zikato free tiers in the cloud as always 😪
3 hours later…
Well at least it's useful to test the syntax, DMVs, etc.
2 hours later…
Wordle 832 3/6*

interesting word today
@ErikDarling casual or formal
The scientific papers stating that CO2 in not the reason for global warming aren't currently "en vogue". It's a lost cause trying to argument against the current "Global Warming is due to CO2" bandwagon.
1 hour later…
Wordle 832 5/6*

🕊️ Animal #60 🦈
I figured it out in 11 guesses!
🔥 1 | Avg. Guesses: 11.5

4 hours later…
@JohnK.N. What are they saying is the cause then?
What is the difference between the Instance Directory and the Installation directory?
Like where do you set the installation location and where the instance goes? I can see where the Instance can be set but is that where the Program Files go?
@JukEboX The terms are somewhat flexibly used in different circumstances by different people. The documentation has a good explanation of which files are shared or not, and where they are located docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/sql-server/install/…
I would probably say the installation directory is the location of the shared components for all instances. The instance directory is the root directory for a particular instance of SQL Server. That's just my opinion though.
@PaulWhite so you can't specify where the Program file goes but you can set where teh instance goes.
That was a very quick read of the documentation page
But yes, as it says:
> Common files used by all instances on a single computer are installed in the folder <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\. <drive> is the drive letter where components are installed. The default is usually drive C. nnn identifies the version.
That said, the primary 'program file' for SQL Server is sqlservr.exe and that goes in the instance directory, since it can be different for different instances
RIght but you can't change the Installation Directory it seems?
Sorry, I meant to write 'instance directory' there. Now fixed
I don't remember ever caring very much where the common files were stored
I am trying to comply to a security requirement so I am a little confused
I suppose much will depend on what that security requirement is
Database software (including DBMS configuration File) must be stored in dedicated directorys separate from other applications
So it installed teh Instance inside its own program file. So I am wondering if that is talking about the Data files or teh entire instance
are you unable to ask the people who created the security requirement what their intent is?
The requirement is a bit vague, but I would say SQL Server meets that regardless of how you install it. You'd have to deliberately choose an instance directory already used by another program, and I don't even know if the SQL Server installer would allow that.
Ok. I will go through it again. Thanks!
For example, my SQL Server 2022 shared components are in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160 and I have instances in D:\Databases\MSSQL16.SQL2022 and D:\Databases\MSSQL16.SQL2022EXPRESS
None of those is shared with any other application
You could also tell them the plural of 'directory' is 'directories', not 'directorys'.
Don't listen to anything Sean might say about that
teh directory's
if you believe in magic
Ok I get it. I am trying to things to see if it meets the requirement.
Bare with me
@ErikDarling LOL
Clothes will be staying on in this room
We don't have many rules, but that's one of them
(we have heaps of rules)
This room seems far more classy than some of the others I am in
well this is awkward
Dare I raise my pinky?
4 mins ago, by Paul White
Clothes will be staying on in this room
@JukEboX go ahead
warning: thin ice
@ErikDarling The rules aren't always applied evenly. Oftentimes, for maximum comedic effect
Regular visitors with many staxbux can also qualify for selected exemptions
the ice is thicker for those
thick and plentiful
@JukEboX Natural causes. One reason is the sun activity reaching its maximum
@PaulWhite if during the installer it asks for the MSOLEDBSQL.msi and It wont' take the latest one or the one in it's own installation package, what should I do?
@JohnK.N. then how do they account for the reversal of climate change during the 2 years we were on lock down and teh massive reduction of CO2 release?
@PaulWhite Needs more apostrophes for sure
The aborigines used to have a calendar based on a 7 year 40 year and 100 year cycle and predicted that when these cycles all came together that the land would not bear many fruit.
numbers might not be right
@JohnK.N. Now now, we all know it's only CO2 and humans. No other items possible.
I've been told there are "peer reviewed" papers stating as such, and they can't be wrong.
We have summer because humans burn CO2 related fuels in the winter, which then causes the warm summer season. Which then humans stop burning CO2 related fuels and it gradually becomes colder. See!
In other news, I have this new 10GbE switch and wow are the fans on it loud.
Why would a network switch come with a crowd of enthusiastic supporters?
Who else are going to move the packets around?
@SeanGallardy who makes it? I find Dell switches really spin. LOL
@JukEboX Some cheap knockoff brand I never heard of but I needed it in a pinch - Sodola
I have machines that are just as bad from "Trenton" systems. LOL waht garbage they are
I have 2 different ones and they built them upside down
A chairde - Morning all!
@SeanGallardy network engineer as well as DBa?
@JohnK.N. Any of these papers postulating that global warming isn't largely due to CO2 (and/or methane - largely from farming) to be found in the Nature stable of journals or Science?
@Vérace I also have that question since the only other person I know who says Climate Change is cause by Sun Spots is a Climate Change denier
@JukEboX and developer and hardware
Let's talk about the moon landing next.
Black sheets ARE cheap.
Ooh, or the overall shape of our planet. That's a good one.
The likelihood of birds existing.
I've been told the Earth is flat.
Probably time for a new avatar
maybe paul can make you a pretty girl, too
Paul should paint a portrait of me in a portrait of him in a portrait you're paitning
Jeez install of this is a nightmore
now it is giving the the INSTALLDIRWOW issue
@JoshDarnell Well they exist, but they're not real
I think that's p widely accepted now
@SeanGallardy technically it is, at a granular enough level when comparing the edge between two points on the circle of the earth. 🙂
still not flat due to quantum fluctuations
anyway, this is all low controversy stuff
@PaulWhite Wouldn't fluctuations indicate a change over time?
tabs vs spaces
are nulls a good idea
that's where it's at
@PaulWhite True, good point.
@PaulWhite Yeah now we're getting into the good stuff.
As long as you Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH, you should be safe with whatever conclusion is reached.
That seems right
Assuming you're a competent researcher.
Which everyone is?
Of course
Never mind these people who have dedicated their professional lives to understanding an issue
A quick flick around the internet should be just as good, if not better
Just don't listen to anyone from the government or a major media outlet
So, I was looking up in the blue sky today and there were all these white lines
I might research that later
Or just go with my intuition
If history has shown anything, it's that people's first instincts are rarely wrong
Also a good solution to the research problem.
Who has time really
@PaulWhite oh do you want an invite code
or would you like some white lines
adopting increasingly hard drugs is one possible life strategy
Have to be careful with drugs.
Could lead you to drawing bizarre conclusions contrary to great deals of existing evidence.
that's just what they want you to think
Damn. I hadn't considered that.
i'm pretty sure that there should be a mandatory retirement age for elected officials and it should match the age that social security benefits become available
Not their IQ?
that would be a qualification on the way in
I can't roll my eyes hard enough at this.
@ErikDarling Not sure if this is already here - Dianne Feinstein died today (90) - she voted for the last time yesterday - fair play I suppose - the taxpayer got their money's worth!
@JoshDarnell It's lying to you
@Vérace Don't sell her short, she'll continue to vote a few more times, I'm sure. Especially in 2024.
@SeanGallardy For Donald Trump perhaps?
Highly unlikely
That was tongue in cheek!
@Josh I was "forced" to the New Teams and it ran slower and used more resources than the old Teams... meanwhile it flaunted multiple messages that it used less :/
@Vérace no good emoji pictures for cheek, sad
How about this 🍑?
is that a peach?
That's pretty good haha.
@SeanGallardy Being gaslit by software 🤣
Argh I should have never moved teh DB files
If I am getting a "NO SUCH HOST" to connected to the FQDN of my SQL Server even though I can ping it, am I missing a DNS entry or do I have something not set right?
Are you misspelling "the" as a matter of principle?
My left hand types faster than my right
you should switch your hands when you type
or sit on your left hand for 20 minutes
@JukEboX If you can ping the host name / FQDN, meaning that it resolves to an IP address, then I would say it's like that DNS is working just fine.
@JoshDarnell It will connect if I use the just eh Computer name.
@JoshDarnell why does that work but not the FQDN ?
2 hours later…
That's a great response. I'm stealing this
1 hour later…
@Vérace Read both sides
@JohnK.N. Both sides of what?
Flat earth, I guess?

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